Why Do Trees Live a Long Time? – A Reflection about Age

BONSAIKO After turning half a century this week, I was reflecting on the subject of age.  “Half a Century” sounds very old to us humans but when you think about it, relative to old things, fifty (50) years is practically just a small blip in the time radar.   Okay I maybe just making myself feel good here, you say.  I admit, there’s a little bit of that, but fortunately  I do have … Continue reading Why Do Trees Live a Long Time? – A Reflection about Age

Cape Vultures killed at wind farms

Originally posted on Hermanus Bird Club:
Cape Vulture near De Hoop Reserve – R Hazell  Johannesburg, 6 April 2017: African’s vultures are in trouble. Most old-world vultures (vultures found in Africa, Europe, and Asia) have faced severe population declines and are on the edge of extinction. The Cape Vulture is found only in southern Africa, which means that South Africa has a special responsibility to… Continue reading Cape Vultures killed at wind farms