The thrill of the chase keeps some fervent birders seeking out ‘rare’ birds

Originally posted on Our Fine Feathered Friends:
Photo by Jean Potter • This Northern wheatear caused great excitement in the Tennessee birding community with an extended stay at a farm in the Volunteer State in November. A little bird caused a huge stir among birders in the Volunteer State back in November. A Northern wheatear — a six-inch-long bird that breeds in open, stony terrain… Continue reading The thrill of the chase keeps some fervent birders seeking out ‘rare’ birds

Gift suggestions for the bird-lovers on your Christmas shopping list

Originally posted on Our Fine Feathered Friends:
Although some people like to get an early start on holiday shopping, I’m certain some, like myself, are still in the process of checking those lists. If you’re looking for some ideas for bird and nature enthusiasts on your list, I’ll make a few modest suggestions that could result in making the season merry and bright. Photo by… Continue reading Gift suggestions for the bird-lovers on your Christmas shopping list

Mega migration fest!

Inglorious Bustards We’ve made no secret of the fact that here at the Inglorious Bustards we are self confessed migration junkies! We are in total amazement of the constant flow of migration here in the Straits and that is why we chose to base ourselves here! We have shared some magnificent experiences this last year collaborating with Migres in conducting counts or witnessing mega migration … Continue reading Mega migration fest!

New Year, New Patch

Inglorious Bustards After a particularly rock and roll New Years Eve, consisting of Toy Story 3, slippers and a bottle of Limoncello, we blew off the old cobwebs this week by exploring our new patch in the bright 2018 sunshine. We’ve recently moved to the village of Facinas, just along the coast from our accommodation partners at Huerta Grande ecolodge, where we’ve spent a most … Continue reading New Year, New Patch

Vulture science, a call for joined up conservation

Inglorious Bustards Griffon Vultures © Inglorious Bustards There is little doubt that Vultures are amazing, despite the completely unfounded bad press they sometimes receive  Here in the Straits we are blessed with them being a garden bird for us! Not only we do we get to witness their amazing antics and all important ecological functions, but twice yearly we watch as masses of them stream through … Continue reading Vulture science, a call for joined up conservation

Latest Cape and Bearded Vulture tracks

BirdLife eThekwini KZN Dear All Please find attached (click here) the movements of our Bearded Vultures; Jeremia, Pharaoh, Lehlwa and Mollie and our Cape Vultures; Bennie and N207, for the past week. Inkosi’s bones were tested for lead to see if she showed signs of long-term exposure to lead (from eating meat shot with lead bullets). The results show only background exposure unlike some of our … Continue reading Latest Cape and Bearded Vulture tracks