Inspiration from the East: Miniturisation and Philosophy

As an artist who is in the main influenced by contemporary western art it was with great interest that I revisited the ancient Eastern art forms of the well known Japanese Bonsai, the lesser known Chinese Penjing, and Vietnamese Hòn Non Bo. Miniturisation and scale in general has always fascinated me as a sculptor. As this project draws heavily from the microscopic worlds of the… Continue reading Inspiration from the East: Miniturisation and Philosophy

Culmination of a Big Summer Project

Originally posted on artsofjc:
This summer we realize a project that has been in our dreams for years. We needed to replace old rotting bonsai benches and need to have more space for the trees.  So, an ex-coworker of mine that retired, started making benches for her own family and I asked if she would be interested in my project. Thanks to Marcella, she took… Continue reading Culmination of a Big Summer Project

Wild Beech progression, Fagus Sylvatica

Originally posted on Bonsai Kas: Bonsai, drawings, scale models and more:
I found this wild Beech in the forest 5 years ago. It was a small shrub with lots of small low branches stuck between a few bigger brothers. I supposed it wouldn’t amount to a proper tree and since it was allready in a good starter shape I dug it up. Usually beeches don’t have a… Continue reading Wild Beech progression, Fagus Sylvatica