Iced Out

Originally posted on Backyard and Beyond:
The other day, this young Great Blue Heron landed close to me by the Valley Water. I guess it was on the other side, but I hadn’t noticed it. Some people walking over there must have spooked it. I had just seen something small and dark run into the plants by the side of the water and was hoping… Continue reading Iced Out

Two lonely Belted Kingfishers in two parks

Originally posted on 益言堂:
小时候学过一篇课文是这样描写 翠鸟 🦆的,想象中灰常美丽、有鲜艳的羽毛: 翠鸟喜欢停在水边的苇秆上,一双红色的小爪子紧紧地抓住苇秆。它的颜色非常鲜艳。头上的羽毛像榄色的头巾,绣满了翠绿色的花纹。背上的羽毛像浅绿色的外衣。腹部的羽毛像赤褐色的衬衫。 长大后看到的 北美翠鸟(Belted Kingfisher) 是这样朴素大方、一身素雅的。而且居然被百度百科翻译成: 白腹鱼狗(学名:Ceryle alcyon)是佛法僧目翠鸟科的鸟类。前额和头顶部是深蓝色羽毛,底部和分尾完全是白色的,或多或少有浅黄色或黄色。 看官可能要问了:什么是佛法僧?确定不是写错了?难道还有鸟被归为 念佛法的僧人 科?其实不是的,根据维基百科: 此名称来自日本。夜间森林中“but po so”(音似日语“佛法僧”)的鸟鸣声,被认为是其中的一种三宝鸟所发,故名。1935年发现此鸟鸣声实为普通角鸮所发。 言归正传, 北美翠鸟(Belted Kingfisher) 是北美地区唯一的翠鸟科鸟类。头次见到它是在北温(North Vancouver)这家公园: Maplewood Flats Conservation Area。离入口不远处有一小桥架在某小溪入海口上。当时恰逢涨潮时分,笔者看到三位携带长枪大炮📷的大叔🤵👨👲于桥上,向着小溪深处指指点点。后来其中一位精通粤语、面目友善的大叔指点之下,才在树丛中头次看到这种小鸟的倩影… 当时大叔是这么如数家珍的说的:“这位是住在这里的…我经常来看他…尤其是涨潮的时候,看到他的机会更大…因为有鱼🐟”… 这位大叔显然是很有观鸟专业素养和追求的。当我说起:某地可拍沙丘鹤,某地还有大蓝鹭 (相关文章)的时候。他露出了些许不屑而不乏善意、专业看着业余的表情😊:那些鸟都太常见了…… 这下马上勾起了我的好奇心,回家后赶紧上维基百科学习研究。记忆比较深刻的描述有两项:头大、和钱有关系: The belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) is a large, conspicuous water kingfisher, the only member of that group commonly found in the northern United States and Canada. It is depicted on the 1986 series Canadian… Continue reading Two lonely Belted Kingfishers in two parks

Shrike at Colony Farm Regional Park

Originally posted on 益言堂:
头次听说(英文名)并且拍摄到这种威猛小鸟:Great Grey Shrike – 中文: 伯劳在BC省高贵林 的Colony Farm Regional Park。 本来不知道这是什么鸟,只是远远的看着像一只从来没有见过的品种,就随手扫了一张。后来碰到一位拍鸟同好,她提起该公园出现的各类鸟儿、如数家珍,还说:”有时候能看到Shrike,它们会把抓到的猎物挂在树枝上“于是回家放大一看,这不就是吗?那眼边的一条黑带(有网文说是“黑色过眼纹”)极其抢眼,有点戴墨镜的江湖武功高手的意思。 “The great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor), known as the northern shrike in North America, is a large songbird species in the shrike family (Laniidae)” “The scientific name of the great grey shrike literally means “sentinel butcher”: Lanius is the Latin term for a butcher, while excubitor is Latin for a watchman… Continue reading Shrike at Colony Farm Regional Park