Getting “Better” Over Time

Tom's Nature-up-close Photography and Mindfulness Blog

Getting better through time.  What does that entail?  One may get “better” physically, with getting a more appealing job, a “better” house, an environmentally “better” car, “better” health, or “better” food.  Getting better physically has its place.  Psychologically, we think we get “better” by, perhaps, being more generous, more kindhearted, more honest, and/or happier.  A number of people think that things will be “better” in a future heaven that they imagine or cling to, promised by past traditions, past cultural-social inheritances.

These cravings and desires, concerning the future, that people have, if examined deeply and not merely superficially, are all extensions of thought and conditioning.  Physical “betters” are one (frequently necessary) thing, but our psychological “betters” are often a postponement; they are not the actuality of what is really taking place at the moment.  You are lying now but, regarding the imagined future, protrusions of thought/thinking maintain that “fewer lies…

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